Our Partners
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank our partners, funders and friends for their continuous support. It has been a difficult couple of years for a small charity such as ours and at several moments we felt we were unable to carry on. However, with the support from all the people and organisations below, we have survived the storm and now stand steady, ready to continue working with Harlow’s young people and ready to respond to our town’s needs. Thank you. - Sam Ashford, Creative Director.
The Harlow playhouse
We work closely with The Harlow Playhouse who provide us with their studio facilities to his tour weekly workshops and our theatre challenges. Rory Davies, Executive and Artistic Director and the whole Playhouse team go above and beyond to make sure that we can give our members the best experience possible.
Arts Council England
Arts Council England have been a huge benefactor for us, providing us with grants and funding to be able to produce long term projects in Harlow. They tirelessly assist us in the development of our future plans and without them we would be nowhere near where we are today.
national lottery
The National Lottery have graciously funded us enough money for us to continue to run all of our projects for the next three years. Accumulating in a total near £200,000. This is the most amount of money we have ever received. The National Lottery are allowing us to continue to expand and develop what we do best.
A local primary school in Harlow, Pemberly Academy donate their school hall to us on a weekly basis, This contribution to Livewire has allowed us to open up workshops to a younger audience of ages between 7-11. This expansion gives us the freedom to extend our Livewire beliefs to younger members, creating a space of fun and enjoyment in the safe environment that is Pemberly Academy. Thank you to headteacher, Neil Coster, for your continuous generosity.
Pemberly Academy
Without the support of The Jack Petchey Foundation, we would not be here today. We have taken advantage of the excellent achievement awards scheme which has been a very rewarding experience for our members. We would like to thank Nikki Casey, in particular, for her firm support and encouragement which drove our fundraising efforts forward so we are more able to source funding and eventually be self-sufficient.